
Since we anticipate that this website will be used by students and professionals, we thought we would provide a small section to ensure that proper credit is given to avoid academic dishonesty.

For history, the standard discipline for citations is the Chicago or Turabian style. Since there are a variety of different sources available on this website, we thought it would be best to show examples for each different type according to the Chicago Manual of Style. The Chicago Manual of Style uses footnotes or endnotes, and a bibliography page.


On your bibliography page:

Corlis, Anne. Caledonia & District: A History. Caledonia: Grand River Sachem, 1967.

Author last name, author first name. Title and subtitle of book. Publishing City: Publishing Company, Year of publishing.

In your footnotes or endnotes:

Anne Corlis, Caledonia & District: A History, (Caledonia: Grand River Sachem, 1967), 34-35.

Author first and last name, Title and subtitle of book, (publishing city: publishing company, year of publishing), pages.


On your bibliography page:

Boschler, Joe. "Caledonia Canada Day 1999." Caledonia History Website Recorded
July 01, 1999. Caledonia Canada Day February 13, 2011. Web.

Author last name, author first name. "Title of video." Name of collection Date Recorded. Publishing Company. Date Published. Format.

In your footnotes or endnotes:

Boschler, Joe, "Caledonia Canada Day 1999," Caledonia History Website, Web.

Last name, First name, "Title of video," Name of collection, format.


When citing a photograph source, for the purposes of citing the Caledonia History Website use the following structure:

Photo accessed April 25, 2014. Caledonia History Website, (Web).


To avoid plagiarism and academic dishonesty you must always cite any material that is not your own work, thoughts, or ideas. Even if you are not directly taking a quotation from a text or online resource, if you paraphrase or summarize information from that source you must cite it. When in doubt: just cite it! It's worth the time to write a citation than to lose credit for plagiarism.

A helpful resource for creating citations is to use Citation Machine, or to consult the Chicago Manual of Style.